Unathi Nsimande (Empangeni High School) Manages To Maintain His Lead.

Unathi Nsimande (Empaneni High School) - head-and-shoulders above the competition.
With the radical changes that have come into effect in 2019, all games played by learners in any official Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) now count towards official rankings.

With every championship contributing resuts, the rankings shall be more in depth and have greater resilience than ever before.

Thus, even with the results from the Gauteng Championships, as held at Curro Aurora, being included, Unathi Nsimande (Empangeni High School) has still managed to maintain his lead.

The full rankings for High Schools for the Street Fighter V esports title are:

PosName of PlayeryearClubPoints
1Unathi Nsimande19Empangeni High School156.2
2Leone Loftus19Fakkel School of Skills143.3
3Hanke van Reede van Outshoorn19Empangeni High School139.4
4Dylan Naidoo19Northcliff High School123.5
5Rina Rene du Toit19Northcliff High School119.8
6Chloe Moodley19Empangeni High School104.5
7Cebo Xaba19Empangeni High School104.5
8Kyle Rad19Parys High School104.5
9Connor Baron19Parys High School95
10Okkert Ras19Parys High School95
11Cleo Moodley19Empangeni High School90.3

Rankings produced by MSSA are as follows:
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